Downloads historical and future data from Google Play, the App Store & Twitter, all in one consistent format
Exports of app reviews are in convenient Excel-friendly format (CSV), ready for your crunching.
Choose from different export delivery schedules, or log in to pull your exports on demand.
Don't pay thousands for the freedom to do what you want with your data.
Helps you identify trends & combined with other data sources
Helps you understand your users & work out where to invest
Helps you quickly identify if there's a problem
Helps you efficiently gather insights & crunch the numbers
Heedzy has made our process of collecting and analysing feedback for our own and industry wide apps amazingly simple.
We regulary use heedzy for our research into the ongoing performance of various services in the market.
Customer feedback is a godsent navigator for your success.
Heed it and you'll earn their trust, ignore it and perils await.